Welcome to Central Pointé Church of Christ

"Where Preaching, Power, Prayer & Praise is the Pointé"


Ministries at “The Pointé”

Life is truly a journey that is fulfilled through various experiences and meaningful relationships. We encourage every member to take full advantage of all that is offered through the ministries at “The Pointé”. It will help you grow in your personal relationship with Jesus Christ and with the people God has placed within your life.

As you embark on your own personal journey here at “The Pointé”, we believe that you will begin to experience life in a greater way! Once you have become a baptised believer, you are first encouraged to attend our New Member Orientation 101 class. This will acquaint you with the varied ministries as well as get you acclimated to the climate at “The Pointé”

Secondly, you are encouraged to simply become actively involved in one of our ministries. As a member of “The Pointé”, you can be assured that our leader will help you connect and grow all along your journey. We invite you to come and experience God’s Presence and power in our many activities. From bible studies, to prayer meetings, to special interest groups, to sports, to outreaches, and so much, there’s a place here for you to get involved.

At Central Pointé Church of Christ:

We POINTÉ UP to praise Him,

POINTÉ OUT to promote Him,

and POINTÉ IN to pattern Him.